Coral Spawn at the Flower Gardens

Once year since the beginning of time, the coral spawn after the full moon in August. Since I have been diving I have heard stories of divers who have dove the Flower Gardens during the Coral Spawn. I knew that this was something that I must see someday.

When Capt Frank from the MVSpree gave me a call and said they had an open spot in the galley for their annual and last coral spawn trip (The Spree is moving permanently to Key West next year). I couldn't book my flight fast enough.

Last time I was on the Spree I was filling tanks in the Dry Tortugas. This time I would be working in the galley helping out master cook Steve. It didn't matter what position was open, I wanted on the boat and I couldn't believe I finally had the opportunity to dive the spawn. And get paid to do so!

We arrived a few days before the spawn and I got to dive the Flower Gardens for the first time. For being in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and has been claimed by Texas as their own Caribbean Reef Diving, the diving was great. I saw a lot of the same species that I saw on my Caribbean trips. But with the exception I finally got to see my first Manta Ray! They are absolutely beautiful and graceful. And such a humbling experience to see something so large and peaceful underwater.

The coral usually spawn 7 or 8 nights after the full moon in August. The majority of the spawn will happen on one night. But one or two nights before, a few coral heads will spawn a little. But typically there will be one big night that all the coral spawn. Scientist are still learning about how they coordinate their yearly spawn. Each species will release their sperm and eggs at the different times.
Labels: Coral Spawn, Scubadiving, Spree