Signs of Australia
One of the parts that I really love about Australia is their signs. Just something that you will not see anywhere else in the world.

Your typical crosswalk sign, notice the snappy duds. Ironed pants and nice shoes.
Beware of Crocs

The locals will tell you, if there is water there is crocs. But they do have to put up danger signs for the tourists.
Cassowary Crossing

Around the outskirts of Cairns and the neighboring cities you will see a lot of these signs to watch out for huge 6 foot birds walking across the road.
City Rules - Heres a sign that will tell you what you can and cant do on the beaches. I think we need these for the beaches of California.

First the obvious ones that you should know - You cant bring your horses or dogs on the beach. Or build teepees or build fires. But you are also not allowed to jump your motorcycles over cars. And for some reason you cant swim to the right, but you can swim to the left. The sign also tells you what you are allowed to do. You can sit under a tree and get hit by a coconut and you are allowed to kick the jellyfish.

This sign reminds me of the ones you see on the 5 south heading towards San Diego of the family running across the freeway. Here in Australia when a mother and her kid cross the road, they have to walk like an Egyptian.
Labels: Cairns