It was a perfect day for riding. Sunny, low 70's with a slight breeze coming out of the NorthEast. Ethan and I had been riding for the better part of an hour and decided to head home. It started off as a friendly race back, passing each other a couple of times. As we got closer to home it became serious. Ethan looked at me as he passed me and I could barely make out his words as the howling wind between us drowned out his voice. All I managed to hear was "I'm gonna Win!"
With that, I put my head down and gave it all I had. Caught up to him and passed him right before a fast right hander. I went in hot, counter steered and leaned as far as I could to the inside. Metal was scraping and sparks were flying behind me. Going into a short straight I had a good lead on him until we came up to a very tight S turn. Ethan is much lighter and smaller and used his agility and aggressiveness to his advantage. He passed me on the inside on the last part of the chicane, forcing me wide. It was a nice move and I could only admire his skill and competiveness as he showed me his rear tire. As we came out of the turn he was already 3 lengths ahead me. But now that we hit a long straight he was all mine. I dropped the hammer and passed him as if he was standing still. I thought I had him.
Then all went black.
Towards the end of the straight my front tire hit a rock. I went head first over the handle bars before I knew what was happening. Instinctively and painfully I put my hands out to break my fall. My left wrist took most of the damage as I rag dolled along the concrete.
Ethan came up to me and jumped off his razor and pretended to crash as he rolled onto the grass next to the sidewalk. He thought Daddy was playing. All I could do was laugh, as Ethan was laughing. We picked ourselves up, dusted off and were back on our razors. And headed home at a much slower pace. Once we got home I grabbed some ice for the wrist and fixed us some snacks. It was another great day on 2 wheels.

A week and a half later my wrist was still hurting, if not getting worse. So I went to the Dr and got it x-rayed. After it took said HMO Dr 3 days to analyze the xrays and get back to me, nothing was broke. So maybe a sprain or ligament damage. Any incase it I'm hoping it will be 100% for the first Track Day of the year at the end of Feb.
Labels: Life, motorcycles