On the tarmac and below the surface, with a few pictures along the way.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Stop Shark Finning

Dear Friend,
I just took action online to help stop the cruel and needless practice of shark finning.
Each year, millions of sharks are hunted, have their fins sliced off, and then are thrown back into the ocean, dead or dying, to satisfy the human appetite for shark fin soup and other dishes made from shark fin. Shark fin soup is sometimes served at Chinese New Year celebrations, weddings, and other events. Shark fin is almost flavorless and may contain high levels of mercury.

This is a practice we can no longer afford. Shark species are endangered and, as apex predators, are vital to marine ecosystems. Please join me in pledging never to consume or serve shark fin. It will only take a minute:

I am not one to stand on a soapbox but this is close to home for me. This is text you will get after I encourage you to sign an anti-shark finning petition. You never know how much signing a petition really helps. But I know it cant hurt, so I did. This is a serious problem. Millions of sharks are harvested every year. Its just another part of how F'n humans are raping the earth and its oceans. There are many sites you can go to find out more information on stopping shark finning. And find out what you can do to help if you want to.

Here are but a few.
How can you help?

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Blogger Lisa-tastrophies said...

I did it. Thanks for posting these links. I have to say I was not a "shark" person (OK, was deathly afraid and could have lived with out them) until I dove with them a few times. Now I see them for the beautiful and mostly peaceful creatures they are.

6:02 PM

Blogger DiverJeff said...

Awesome, thanks Lisa

2:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found this today on Yahoo. It is as bad as the shark finning. Can't believe the senseless cruelty of some people.
50 Sea Lions found clubbed to death on Galapagos Islands


7:26 PM


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