Famsa Side Bags - I went back and forth for awhile on whether to get hard cases or soft bags like these. Hard cases are great because you can lock them and some
of them are even big enough to hold your helmet. But they are a lot more than soft bags, especially the DP (Ducati Performance) cases. And I am only really going to use them on camping trips and occasionally when I have carry something with me. So the soft bags were the best choice for me. Once I decided to go with soft bags. It was either the Tour Master or the Famsa bags. The Famsa were a lot more, but they were made especially for the Multistrada and come with a spacer for the perfect fit. And I think they look so much better.
I've also added fork and frame sliders from Motovation. There were a couple of different sliders to go with. Cyclecat was the other top contenders for me. But I went with Motovation because I like the way they looked and read they hold up really well in the event you lay it down. After I placed the order, I knew I made a good choice. When I ordered them I wanted to get the sliders before the weekend ride. So I selected 3 ground shipping. Within a couple of hours of placing the order on the Motovation website I got a call from Kyle and he told me that if he ships them regular ground they will get to me at the same time and save me $10. I was really impressed that he did that. Not many companies have that type of customer service. I will definitely order more parts from them in the future.
I've also added a Zero Gravity smoke wind screen. Its a little higher than the stock screen, but not much. It does help with the wind on the freeways. And looks much better than the stock windshield.
Labels: motorcycles
I dig the bags. I really like that they don't have to mount to the bike. Do they move around at all when you are riding?
4:42 PM
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