Bonaire Part 3
We began Sunday morning by sizing all the fins and doing orientation meeting and briefings on the tests and upcoming week for the "veterans" and "rookies" of the teams. CP briefed the speed team and I briefed the slalom team. I cant go into the details, results, or specifics of the tests. All that will be covered in the November issue of ScubaDiving magazine. What I can tell you is that is was another fun and amazing week with people I consider family. For the ones that have been to the past tests especially. And the rookies fell right into place and joined the family.

Here are some of my favorite shots of the week, and you can see all of the rest of my pictures at 130Down.

And here are some pics that CP took. He really is an amazing photographer, and even though he wont admit it, he taught me almost everything that I know about underwater photography.
This one, I wanted a shot of me next to a moral eel smiling. But the eel wasn't having any of it, go figure. Every time I got close to him he would back down into his hole. So this is as close as he would let me get to him. Yeah I know, not the smartest thing to do, but I thought it would make a great shot. Anyways this was at the bottom of the Hilma Hooker ship wreck in about 110 feet of water.

And here is me and my new best friend. Don't worry my Duc is still my Italian mistress and is above all other toys.

Labels: Bonaire, Scubadiving
Wow. Those photos are amazing!!!! The eel! Well, let's just be glad he wouldn't let you closer! I love the sea turtle shot! I'm soooo jealous. I didn't see anything nearly that cool when we were down there. Although, we were in much shallower water, and didn't know what to look for! haha
7:14 AM
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